CD Exchange
CD Exchange - Volume 1.iso
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|ACE v2.0|
|Command and Function Reference|
This document consists of a description of currently implemented commands
and functions.
As with AmigaBASIC, the case of commands and functions is of no consequence.
NOTES: - [] means that a parameter or command component is optional.
- <> surround literals, names and expressions.
- .. implies that statements are expected to follow.
- Commands and functions marked with an asterix are found only in ACE,
not AmigaBASIC.
- Standard trigonometric functions take their arguments in radians.
- EOS = end-of-string character (ASCII 0).
- MAXSTRINGLEN currently equals 1024. The last character in a string
is EOS, so if you want a string which holds 1024 characters, you
need a 1025 byte string (see STRING command).
- For boolean operators such as AND,OR,IMP etc the values T and F
(TRUE and FALSE) refer to -1 and 0 respectively.
ABS - syntax: ABS(n)
- Returns the absolute value of n.
ADDRESS * - syntax: ADDRESS <identifier>[,..]
- Declares and initialises one or more variables of type
address. In fact, this data type is synonymous with the
long integer (see LONGINT) data type. Its main purpose
is to make clear just what sort of data is going to be
used. This is especially useful when passing addresses
as parameters to subprograms.
- See also SUB, STRUCT.
ALLOC * - syntax: ALLOC(<bytes>,<memory-type>)
- This is ACE's hassle-free memory allocator.
- You can call this function to get the address of a block
of memory at least <bytes> bytes in size.
- The <memory-type> argument can be one of the following:
0 = CHIP memory
1 = FAST memory
2 = PUBLIC memory
3 = CLEARED CHIP memory
4 = CLEARED FAST memory
and if a value outside this range is specified, ALLOC
defaults to CLEARED PUBLIC memory.
- CLEARED memory is filled with zeros.
- If the requested block of memory can't be allocated
for whatever reason (eg: memory is too fragmented)
ALLOC returns zero.
- The main benefit of ALLOC is that it keeps track of
all memory allocated by an ACE program and frees it all
at the end of a program run, saving you from ever having
to free memory.
- ALLOC will free allocated memory even if a program aborts
due to a ctrl-c break or an error (except where a GURU
- Specify PUBLIC memory for general use and CHIP memory for
sound samples or any other data which must be accessible
by the co-processors.
- Use of ALLOC assumes that you know what you're doing with
memory and why you want a chunk of it.
AND - Boolean operator: X AND Y.
X Y Out
ARG$ * - syntax: ARG$(n) where n=0..ARGCOUNT.
- Returns the nth command line argument as a string.
- If n=0 the name of the command is returned.
- Note that ARG$ only works for CLI/Shell launched
programs. See ace.doc for details about how to access
Workbench arguments.
- See also ARGCOUNT.
ARGCOUNT * - Returns the number of command line arguments.
- See also ace.doc re: Workbench arguments.
AREA - syntax: AREA [STEP](x,y)
- Functions indentically to AmigaBASIC's AREA command.
- Defines a set of up to 20 points to be joined
into a polygon and filled by AREAFILL.
AREAFILL - syntax: AREAFILL [mode]
- Same as AmigaBASIC's AREAFILL command.
- The optional mode can be 0 or 1:
0 = fill polygon with current pattern and
foreground color.
1 = fill polygon with current pattern
but inverse of foreground color
(max-color-id - fdgnd-color-id).
- See also PATTERN command.
ASC - syntax: ASC(X$)
- Returns the ASCII code of the first character in X$.
ASSEM * - syntax: ASSEM
<line of assembly code>
<line of assembly code>
- This allows for the inline inclusion of assembly source
code into the A68K file generated by ACE.
- ACE does not attempt to check the correctness of the
inline code, leaving the task of assembly up to A68K.
- If you use this facility, it is assumed that you know
what you are doing.
ATN - syntax: ATN(n)
- Returns the arctangent of n.
BACK * - syntax: BACK n
- Moves the turtle back n steps.
BEEP - Issues a brief pulse from the speaker.
- BEEP doesn't flash the screen as it does in AmigaBASIC.
- This command is useful for alerting the user to an error
or other important event.
BIN$ * - syntax: BIN$(n)
- Returns a string containing the binary equivalent of n.
- If n is a single-precision value, ACE coerces it to integer.
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON BREAK event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
CALL - Passes control to a user-defined subprogram,
shared library function, external function,
or user-defined machine code routine.
- Subprogram CALLs can be recursive (user SUBs) in ACE.
- See also sections on subprograms, shared library access,
external functions and machine code calls in ace.doc.
CASE * - This is ACE's version of the CASE statement and is different
from the Pascal CASE and C switch statements.
- The syntax is:
<expression> : <statement>
[<expression> : <statement>]
where <expression> can be any legal expression ranging
from a constant to a relational or mathematical expression.
- The expression is used as a boolean such that 0 is false
and any non-zero value is true.
- The statement can consist of a single legal ACE statement
(including block IF and loops) or a multi-statement.
CHDIR - syntax: CHDIR <dirname>
where <dirname> is a string corresponding to the name of
a directory.
- If <dirname> is a legitimate directory and is accessible
from the current directory, it will become the new current
- In short, this is ACE's equivalent of the AmigaDOS "cd"
command, the only difference being that the path change
is not reflected in the shell prompt (if the program is
run from the shell).
CHR$ - syntax: CHR$(n)
- Returns a string consisting of a single character with the
ASCII value n.
CINT - syntax: CINT(n)
- Converts n to a signed short integer by rounding the
fractional portion.
- When the fractional portion is exactly .5, CINT *always*
rounds up in ACE, whereas in AmigaBASIC if the integer
portion is even, CINT rounds down, and up if the integer
portion is odd.
CIRCLE - syntax: CIRCLE (x,y),radius[,color-id,start,end,aspect]
- Start and end angles are specified in DEGREES *not* radians
because this is probably more useful when thinking about
circles. (Note: this may be changed to radians in future).
- If a whole ellipse is to be drawn, the graphics library
DrawEllipse() function is used. However, if the start
angle is not 0 or the end angle is not 359 (these are
the defaults when not specified), a different routine
is used. The latter is quite slow and may well be changed
in a future release of ACE.
- The default ASPECT is .44 as in AmigaBASIC.
CLNG - syntax: CLNG(n)
- Converts n to a signed long integer by rounding the
fractional portion.
- When the fractional portion is exactly .5, CLNG *always*
rounds up in ACE, whereas in AmigaBASIC if the integer
portion is even, CLNG rounds down, and up if the integer
portion is odd.
CLOSE - syntax: CLOSE [#]filenumber[,[#]filenumber..]
where filenumber represents an open file.
- This command closes at least one open file.
- Note that in ACE, CLOSE must be followed by at least one
filenumber, unlike AmigaBASIC.
- See section on files in ace.doc.
CLS - Clears the current output window or screen and sets the
pen position to the upper left corner.
- CLS does not affect any other screens or windows except
the one which is currently active.
COLOR - syntax: color fgnd-id[,bgnd-id]
- Changes the foreground and/or background color to
fgnd-id and bgnd-id respectively.
- Note that in ACE, you can change just the foreground
color, both the foreground and background colors,
but not the background color alone. This may be changed
in a future revision.
- The PALETTE command is used to change the colors
corresponding to given color-ids.
CONST * - syntax: CONST <ident> = [+|-]<constant>[,..]
where <constant> is a signed numeric constant.
- Defines a named numeric constant or constants, the type
being *unaffected* by the the DEFxxx directives or type
(%&!#$) suffixes. All constant definitions are GLOBAL.
- A number of definitions can be separated by commas.
COS - syntax: COS(n)
- Returns the cosine of n.
CSNG - syntax: CSNG(n)
- Converts n to a single-precision value.
CSRLIN - Returns the print line in the current user-defined screen
or window.
- CSRLIN and POS have no meaning in a CLI/shell and will
return 0 if used when a CLI/shell is the current output
CSTR * - syntax: CSTR(<address>)
- Coerces a long integer address into a string.
- This is intended for taking an allocated area of memory
and using it as a string of characters. Be aware that this
memory block must be NULL terminated.
- A typical use for CSTR is something like this:
- The maximum string length of MAXSTRINGLEN bytes in some
functions still applies.
DATA - syntax: DATA [numeric-constant | string-constant][,..]
- Stores numeric and/or string constants into a global
data list to be accessed by the READ statement.
- DATA statements may be located anywhere in a program and
are non-executable.
- Strings need only be enclosed in quotes if they contain
commas, spaces or colons or other non-identifier characters.
- In ACE, all numbers from DATA statements are currently stored
as single-precision values with a possible loss of accuracy
if LARGE long integers are originally specified. This may
be rectified in a future revision. Thus far however, I have
not had problems because of it. In order to overcome it for
now, do something like the following:
#include <longval.h>
X&=longval&(X$) '..longval& returns the value.
DATA "123456789"
- In the above example, the BASIC function VAL is substituted
with LONGVAL& because the former always returns a single
precision value which is what we are trying to avoid.
DATE$ - Returns the current system date as a ten-character string
of the format: mm-dd-yyyy.
DAY * - Returns the day of the week as an integer from 0..6,
where 0=Sunday and 6=Saturday.
- The value returned by DAY reflects the last call to DATE$
and is otherwise undefined.
DECLARE - This has three uses in ACE:
1. DECLARE FUNCTION <func-name>[%&!#$][(param-list)]
LIBRARY [<lib-name>]
(see section on shared library functions in ace.doc)
2. DECLARE SUB [<type>] subprogram-name[(parameter-list)]
which is used for forward SUB declarations.
(see also section on subprograms in ace.doc)
3. DECLARE STRUCT <type> [*] <ident1> [,[*] <identN>..]
where a structure variable of type <struct-type> is
created. If "*" precedes the variable identifier,
a pointer to the structure is created, otherwise
a BSS object is allocated. In both cases, "identN"
holds the start address of the structure. In the
latter case, the address is resolved at load time
while in the former, the address is allocated at
run time (eg: with ALLOC).
- Only the first usage is supported by AmigaBASIC.
DEF FN - syntax: DEF [FN]funcname[!#%&$][(parameter-list)]=expression
- As an extension to this syntax, in ACE it is also possible
to follow the DEF keyword with one of the following:
- These keywords may also precede each item in the
parameter list.
- This command provides the simple defined function
capability found in many BASICs.
- The parameters are passed by value and are manipulated
in the expression on the right hand side of the "=" to
yield a function return value.
- Like a subprogram, a defined function in ACE doesn't have
access to global variables. Unlike the former, DEF FNs
cannot use SHARED to get around this. In other words, if
the function needs to use a particular value, you must
pass it to the function via the parameter list. If a
variable is defined in the expression (by just being used)
its value will be local to the function (and unknown).
- The function may only be invoked as part of an expression,
DEF SEC(x)=1/COS(x)
defines and invokes the secant function which can then be
used in the same way as other built-in functions (eg: COS).
- Note from the above that the "FN" prefix is optional
in ACE. If used, there must be no spaces between "FN"
and the function name.
- The fact that subprograms (SUBs) in ACE have return
values and so can be treated as functions obviates the
need for DEF FN to some extent, but the shorter definition
may be considered better in some cases. Contrast the
above definition with the following:
- A slightly different example is:
DEF ADDRESS pubmem(bytes&) = ALLOC(bytes&,2)
which when invoked would return the start address of
a block of public memory.
- Once a function has been defined, you cannot redefine
it (AmigaBASIC allows this) in the same program.
- See the file ACEinclude:MathFunc.h for examples of
defined functions (taken from Appendix E of the
AmigaBASIC Manual).
DEFxxx - syntax: DEFxxx <letter>[,|-<letter>] [..]
are global data type directives which affect data objects
in both the main program and subprograms.
- For example:
declares all data objects to be of type LONGINT unless
overridden by another DEFxxx directive, variable declaration
or trailing character (%&!#$).
- DEFDBL currently defaults to single-precision since
double-precision floating-point is not yet supported by ACE.
DIM - syntax: DIM <name>(<i>[,..]) [SIZE <n>] [ADDRESS <addr>][,..]
- ACE requires that ALL arrays be dimensioned before use.
- For a subscript range of 0..n, you must DIMension
an array with an index of n.
- Up to 255 dimensions can be specified with up to
32767 elements per dimension. On my 3 Mb machine, around
11 dimensions is the practical limit.
- Each dimension must be specified as a short numeric constant
(literal or defined).
- The SIZE option is for the specification of string element
length other than the default MAXSTRINGLEN value.
- The ADDRESS option allows you to specify some arbitrarily
allocated area of memory (ALLOC'd, string etc) for
the array space.
- Both options (SIZE and ADDRESS) may be used together in
DIM. This is not so for simple string variables where
only one or the other may be used (see STRING command).
When used in DIM, the SIZE option specifies how big each
string element is to be.
- SHARED is not an option and ACE arrays are shared in the
same way as variables. See "Subprograms" in ace.doc.
EOF - syntax: EOF(n)
where n is the filenumber of an open file.
- EOF is a function which returns either -1 or 0 depending
upon whether the file pointer has reached the end-of-file
or not.
- If the file doesn't exist or hasn't been opened, EOF
returns -1.
END - Closes standard libraries, performs other cleanup operations
and passes control back to parent process (CLI/Shell or Wb).
- Don't use END within an IF..THEN..END IF block. Use STOP
instead which is functionally equivalent in ACE.
ERR - syntax: ERR
- This parameterless function returns the error code
corresponding to a failed I/O operation (or zero if no
error has occurred) and then *immediately* clears the
error code (sets it to zero).
- It is important to realise that the error code is
cleared before the function returns its value, since
unless this value is stored, it will be lost.
- The most typical usage is as part of a conditional test,
eg: IF ERR<>0 THEN PRINT "Error!":STOP
- ERR may also be called after an error has been trapped
by the ON ERROR event trapping mechanism. See ace.doc
for more details about event trapping in ACE.
- ERR currently only returns non-zero values for serial I/O
and buffered file I/O operations. This does not include
standard I/O (keyboard and screen).
- Here are the current codes:
-- AmigaBASIC codes --
52 - Bad File Number
54 - Bad File Mode
-- AmigaDOS codes --
233 - See The AmigaDOS Manual (Bantam),
Error Codes and Messages
-- ACE codes --
300 - Error opening serial port
301 - Error closing serial port
302 - Error reading from/querying serial port
303 - Error writing to serial port
304 - Bad channel number/port not open
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON ERROR event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
EQV - Boolean operator: X EQV Y.
X Y Out
EXIT FOR * - This command allows for the premature, conditional
termination of a FOR..NEXT loop.
- Since ACE uses the stack for FOR..NEXT loop counter & step
values, issuing a RETURN inside a FOR loop is dangerous
because the top item on the stack is something other
than the expected return address.
- In short, leaving a FOR loop before it has finished and
never returning (CALL and GOSUB are okay since they will
return to the loop) is unsafe in ACE, which is why EXIT
FOR has been provided because it properly cleans up the
stack before prematurely exiting the loop.
- When nesting one FOR loop inside another, be aware that
the inner FOR loop's EXIT FOR will override any previous
EXIT FOR directives in the enclosing outer FOR loop.
As a consequence of this:
FOR I=1 TO 10
FOR J=1 TO 5
will have the desired effect, whereas:
FOR I=1 TO 10
IF MOUSE(0) THEN EXIT FOR '..overridden below!
FOR J=1 TO 5
will not. Observe the effect of running these two
code fragments in order to see what's going on here.
EXIT SUB - This command can only be used inside a subprogram and
when encountered, has the effect of passing control back
to the caller of the subprogram in which it appears.
- If the current instantiation of the subprogram is the
result of a recursive call, control will be returned
to the previous instantiation of the same subprogram.
EXP - syntax: EXP(n)
- Returns e to the power n, where e is the base of
natural logarithms or 2.7182818284590.
EXTERNAL * - syntax: EXTERNAL [FUNCTION] <identifier>[%&!$]
- Used to declare an external function or variable.
- See the section on External References in ace.doc.
FILEBOX$ * - syntax: FILEBOX$(title-string)
- This function invokes a file requester and returns
the user's selection as a fully qualified path.
- The title-string is displayed in the title bar of
the file requester (eg: "Open", "Select a file").
- If the program is running under Wb 2.04 or higher,
an ASL file requester appears. If not, an Arp
requester is invoked which means that if you are
running Wb 1.3 or lower, you'll need arp.library
in your LIBS: directory.
- If you are using FileBox$ under Wb 1.3 make sure
you have a stack (in the shell/CLI or Tool) which
is at least 5000 bytes in size.
FILES - syntax: FILES [TO <storefile>] [,<target>]
- Gives an unsorted directory listing ala AmigaBASIC
except that ACE's version takes two optional arguments
while AmigaBASIC's takes one (<target>).
- If <storefile> is specified, the listing will be
captured by that file.
- If <storefile> is omitted, it is assumed that the
program containing the FILES command was invoked
from a shell or CLI (since the listing will be
- The <target> argument can be a file, directory or
AmigaDOS device name which is to be the subject
of the directory listing.
FIX - syntax: FIX(n)
- The function returns the truncated integer portion of n.
- FIX(n) is equivalent to SGN(n)*INT(ABS(n)).
- Whereas INT(n) rounds off a negative number
to the next lowest whole number, FIX does not.
- syntax: FIX n
- The command which is found only in ACE is intended to have
a similar effect to the FIX button found on some calculators
that is, to change the number of decimal places ACE rounds a
single-precision number to.
- FIX utilises the ami.lib function arnd(). When the value of
n is anything other than 8, arnd() is invoked. This affects
the commands: PRINT, PRINTS, WRITE#, PRINT# and STR$.
- FIX should be considered experimental since I have not
completely figured out what all the values of n (as used
directly by arnd()) do yet.
- In a future release, a given value for n may have different
results than it does now. Currently, n may be positive or
FIX -3
PRINT 12.3456
would display: 12.35
FOR..NEXT - syntax: FOR <variable>=x TO y [STEP z]
- The statements between FOR and NEXT are iterated
the number of times it takes for <variable> to become
equal to or greater than y (or less than y if z is negative)
starting from x. The loop index <variable> is incremented
by z, or 1 if STEP is not specified.
- NEXT can only be followed by a variable, colon or
comment and must appear on a separate line or in a
multi-statement (not after THEN for example).
- Any attempt to use a shared variable as a FOR loop index
will result in an (intentional) compilation error.
- If you want to branch out of a FOR loop never to return,
use EXIT FOR. See also the further discussion of this
issue (including RETURNing from within a FOR loop) in the
"Limitations" section of ace.doc.
FORWARD * - syntax: FORWARD n
- Move the turtle forward n steps.
FRE - syntax: FRE(n)
where n is -1,0,1,2 or 3.
- Since ACE's run-time environment is different to
AmigaBASIC's, FRE returns different values and
takes different arguments than in AmigaBASIC.
- FRE returns the amount of free system memory according
to n:
n = -1 -> total CHIP + FAST memory free.
n = 0 -> total CHIP memory free.
n = 1 -> total FAST memory free.
n = 2 -> largest contiguous CHIP memory available.
n = 3 -> largest contiguous FAST memory available.
GADGET * - syntax: GADGET id,status[,gadval,rectangle,type[,style]]
where id is a unique gadget ID from 1 to 255 and status
is 1 or 0 to enable or disable the gadget respectively.
- The remainder of the parameters are optional, but they
must be specified when creating a new gadget.
- The first of these, gadval, is either a string or long
integer (see below); rectangle defines the border of
the gadget as (x1,y1)-(x2,y2).
- The GADGET command creates a new gadget or alters the
status of an existing gadget according to the above
and in accordance with the final two parameters: type
and style, as follows (gadval meaning is also shown):
Type Gadget Style Effect GadVal
---- ------ ----- ------ ------
1 Boolean 1 All points inside the Gadget text
gadget are complemented
when it is clicked (this
is the default).
2 A box is drawn around Gadget text
the gadget when clicked.
3 Borderless. Gadget text
2 String 1 Center justifies text. Default text
2 Right justifies text.
3 LongInt 1 Center justifies number. Default number
(as string)
2 Right justifies number.
4 Horiz.
Slider 1 Borderless. Maximum
slider value
5 Vertical
Slider 1 Borderless. Maximum
slider value
- syntax: GADGET(n)
where n is a number from 0 to 3.
- The GADGET function returns information about the
last gadget event according to the following:
N Returns
- -------
0 -1 if a gadget event has occurred since the last
call to GADGET(0), 0 otherwise.
1 The number of the last gadget selected.
2 Returns the address of the string from the most
recently selected string gadget or the long integer
value from the most recently selected LongInt gadget.
In the former case, use ACE's CSTR function to convert
the address into an ACE string.
3 Returns the slider position of the most recently
selected (horizontal or vertical) proportional gadget.
- This command removes the specified gadget from the
current output window and should always be called
when you are finished with a gadget.
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON GADGET event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
- This command puts the program to sleep until it receives
a message that the specified gadget has been selected.
- If id=0 the program will wake up when ANY gadget is
selected. A call to GADGET(1) can then be used to
determine the number of the gadget.
GOSUB..RETURN - syntax: GOSUB <label> | <line>
- GOSUB transfers control to the specified label or line.
- RETURN passes control back to the statement following the
GOSUB command.
GOTO - syntax: GOTO <label> | <line>
- Transfers control to the specified label or line.
HANDLE * - syntax: HANDLE(n)
where n is the file number of an OPENed file (1..255).
- This function returns a long integer which is a pointer to
a dos file handle suitable for use with dos.library functions
such as Read (xRead when declared in ACE/AmigaBASIC).
- If HANDLE returns 0& the file does not exist or can't be
opened as requested.
HEADING * - Returns the turtle's current heading in degrees (0..359).
HEX$ - syntax: HEX$(n)
- Returns a string which represents the hexadecimal value
of the decimal argument n.
HOME * - Move the turtle back to its home position.
IF - syntax: IF..THEN..[ELSE..]
- ELSEIF is not yet implemented.
- IF..[ELSE]..END IF blocks can be nested.
- Use STOP rather than END before an END IF
otherwise the compiler will get confused.
IMP - Boolean operator: X IMP Y.
X Y Out
INKEY$ - syntax: INKEY$
- Returns a single character string when a keystroke
is pending, otherwise the NULL string is returned.
- INKEY$ works fine in user-defined windows, but since
a normal CON: window intercepts all keystrokes, INKEY$
is not very useful in a shell/CLI.
INPUTBOX * - syntax: INPUTBOX(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos][,ypos])
- This function returns a long integer value after invoking
a requester which prompts the user to enter a value. If
you need to get a single-precision value, apply VAL to
the result of the INPUTBOX$ function (see next entry).
- An OK and Cancel gadget allow the user to accept or reject
the entered value. Zero is returned if the Cancel gadget
is selected.
- The prompt string must be specified but all other
parameters are optional: title goes into the requester's
title bar; default is a string containing a default
integer value which becomes the return value if nothing
is entered; xpos and ypos specify where to place the
requester on the screen.
- Example: num& = INPUTBOX("Enter a number:",,"12345")
INPUTBOX$ * - syntax: INPUTBOX$(prompt[,title][,default][,xpos][,ypos])
- This function returns a string value after invoking
a requester which prompts the user to enter a value.
- An OK and Cancel gadget allow the user to accept or reject
the entered string. If Cancel is selected the NULL string
is returned.
- The prompt string must be specified but all other
parameters are optional: title goes into the requester's
title bar; default is a string return value to be used if
no new value is entered; xpos and ypos specify where to
place the requester on the screen.
- Example: command$ = INPUTBOX$("Enter a command:")
INPUT$ - syntax: INPUT$(X,[#]filenumber)
- Returns a string of X characters from the filenumber'th file.
- There is a 32K upper limit for X in ACE, but if you
want to read a whole file for example, and the file length
(determined by the LOF function) is greater than MAXSTRINGLEN
you should do the following:
OPEN "I",#1,filename$
myString = INPUT$(LOF(1),#1)
or if you want to allocate space at run-time according to the
exact file size:
bytes& = LOF(1) + 1 '..need "+1" for EOS marker
addr& = ALLOC(bytes&,5)
STRING myString ADDRESS addr&
OPEN "I",#1,filename$
myString = INPUT$(bytes&,#1)
- This method should only be used for small text files as it
is slow, and text is really the only useful thing to put in
a string if you wish to manipulate it. Some string functions
will react unexpectedly to non-text characters in strings.
- If you wish to read a large file rapidly, it's best to use
the dos.library function Read (declared as xRead in BASIC).
The sound player play.b gives an example of this.
- In general INPUT$ is most useful for reading a few characters
at a time from a file. If you wish to read a line at a time,
use LINE INPUT#. Use INPUT# if you want to read numbers or
delimited strings.
- INPUT$ in ACE is only used for sequential file input, so
the filenumber is not optional. In AmigaBASIC, if the latter
is omitted, input is taken from the keyboard. Not so in ACE.
- See also section on files in ace.doc.
INPUT - syntax: INPUT [<prompt-string>] [;|,] var1 [[;|,] varN..]
- Strings, integers and fixed-point or exponential format
single-precision values can be input from the keyboard.
- Each value must appear on a separate line even when
a single INPUT statement contains multiple variables.
- If a semicolon precedes a variable "? " will appear, while
if a comma is used no "? " will appear.
- As of ACE v2.0 INPUT works with any screen or window mode.
INPUT # - syntax: INPUT #filenumber,<variable-list>
- Reads data items from a sequential file.
- The variables in <variable-list> must each match the type
of item being read.
- If unambiguous data format is required, it is best to
use WRITE# to store the values that INPUT# will read
since WRITE# separates each item with commas and delimits
strings with double quotes allowing for spaces. WRITE# will
also result in more efficient use of disk space and faster
reading by INPUT#.
- ACE accepts white space (line feeds, spaces, tabs), commas
and quotes as delimiters for each field in a sequential file.
- AmigaBASIC and ACE sequential file formats are virtually
- See also "Files" section in ace.doc.
INSTR - syntax: INSTR([I,]X$,Y$)
- INSTR searches for the first occurrence of Y$ in X$ and
returns the character position from 1..N in X$.
- If the optional offset I is specified, the search starts
from that position, otherwise the search starts from the
first character in X$.
- If I is greater than len(X$) or X$="" or Y$ is not found
in X$ or len(Y$) > len(X$), INSTR returns 0.
- If Y$="", INSTR returns I or 1.
- X$ and Y$ can be string expressions, variables or literals
or any combination thereof.
INT - syntax: INT(n)
- Returns the largest integer less than or equal to n.
KILL - syntax: KILL <filespec>
- Deletes a file or directory.
LEFT$ - syntax: LEFT$(X$,I)
- Returns a string which contains the leftmost I characters
of X$.
- If I > len(X$), the whole string (X$) is returned.
- If I = 0, the NULL string is returned.
LEN - syntax: LEN(X$)
- Returns the number of characters in X$.
LET - syntax: [LET] <variable> = <expression>
- LET assigns a value to a variable.
- Its use is optional so that LET X=1 is equivalent
to X=1.
LIBRARY - syntax: LIBRARY [CLOSE] [<libname>]
- Opens or closes one or more Amiga shared libraries.
- Note that <libname> may be with or without quotes
and can either end in ".library", ".bmap" or have no
file extension whatever in ACE.
- For example, to open the graphics library, two legal
syntaxes are:
LIBRARY graphics
LIBRARY "graphics.library"
- LIBRARY CLOSE closes all open libraries or a single library
can be specified instead.
- See "Shared library function calls" section in ace.doc.
LINE - The syntax of this command - apart from the simple
case of LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2)[,color,b[f]] - is a little
unclear from the AmigaBASIC manual.
- The syntax of the LINE command in ACE is currently as
LINE [STEP](x1,y1)[-(x2,y2)[,[color],[b[f]]]]
- The second STEP directive has been omitted, but may be
added in a future revision.
- A statement such as LINE STEP (100,90) will cause a line
to be drawn from the last referenced coordinate to 100,90.
In addition, this use of LINE does *not* allow for colour
setting as can be seen from the ACE syntax specification
whereas LINE (100,90)-(200,150),color does. The same is
true for the "b" and "bf" options. A future version may
correct this problem.
- Note: x1 must be >= x2 and y1 must be >= y2 otherwise
display weirdness will result!
LINE INPUT - syntax: LINE INPUT #filenumber,<string-variable>
- Reads a line from the filenumber'th sequential file and
stores it in <string-variable>.
- If <string-variable> does not exist, ACE creates it.
- Lines are delimited by a line-feed character (ASCII 10)
and the string which is returned consists of the characters
up to but not including the line-feed.
- Note that the AmigaBASIC manual (8-72) shows a semicolon
instead of a comma in the above syntax which is incorrect
since AmigaBASIC itself accepts only a comma.
- The alternative form of LINE INPUT for keyboard input is
not currently implemented in ACE.
- LINE INPUT will not read more than MAXSTRINGLEN characters.
- See also INPUT$ (which will read up to 32K of characters),
INPUT# and ace.doc's section on files.
LOCATE - syntax: LOCATE line[,column].
- LOCATE changes the printing position for the current
screen or window.
- Note that the use of LOCATE on a screen or user-defined
window currently also changes the next graphics drawing
LOF - syntax: LOF(n)
where n is the file number of an open file.
- LOF returns the length of the file in bytes.
- If the file is not open or non-existent, LOF returns 0.
LOG - syntax: LOG(n)
- Returns the natural logarithm of n (log base e of n).
- The argument n should be greater than zero.
LONGINT * - syntax: LONGINT <identifier>[,..]
- Declares and initialises one or more long integer variables.
MENU - syntax: MENU menu-id,item-id,state[,title[,command-key]]
- This command creates or modifies the state of a menu or
menu item as per AmigaBASIC.
- The final optional parameter is peculiar to ACE and if
used, specifies the Amiga-<key> sequence which if issued
results in the selection of the corresponding menu option.
The command key option is displayed along with the menu
item when the menu is rendered.
- The state parameter can have the following values:
State Effect
----- ------
0 Menu or item is disabled (shadowed).
1 Menu or item is enabled.
2 Menu item is checkmarked.
There must be at least 2 spaces
preceding the item for the tick
to be rendered properly.
- The most advisable method of creating menus is to start
from the first menu and first item in each menu, and code
them in sequence thereafter.
- syntax: MENU(n)
- This function returns information about the most recently
selected menu and item. If n=1 the number of the menu is
returned. If n=2 the number of the menu item is returned.
- MENU(0) is set to 0 after being called.
- This function must be used in conjunction with MENU event
trapping or WAITing.
- This command is the equivalent of MENU RESET in AmigaBASIC.
- The result of calling this is to clear the menu strip for
the current output window. In AmigaBASIC the initial menu
for the interpreter's window is restored if a new menu is
set up in that window. This does not apply in ACE.
- WINDOW CLOSE performs a menu clear in case you don't.
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON MENU event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
- This command puts the program to sleep until menu activity
is detected.
MID$ - syntax: MID$(X$,I[,J])
- Only the MID$ *function* is currently implemented in ACE.
- Returns a string containing J characters from X$ starting
from the Ith character.
- If J is omitted or there are fewer than J characters
to the right of (and including) the Ith character, all
characters from the Ith position to the end of the string
are returned.
- If I > len(X$), MID$ returns the NULL string.
MOD - Modulo arithmetic operator: X MOD Y.
eg: 101 MOD 10 = 1
MOUSE - syntax: MOUSE(n)
- Returns information about the current status of the mouse.
- Values of n ranging from 0..2 are meaningful in ACE.
- MOUSE(0) just returns -1 or 0 to indicate whether the left
mouse button is currently being pressed or not.
- MOUSE(1) returns the X location of the mouse pointer
in the current output window or screen.
- MOUSE(2) returns the Y location of the mouse pointer
in the current output window or screen.
- Future revisions of ACE may add more functionality to
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON MOUSE event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
MSGBOX * - syntax: MSGBOX(message,button-text1[,button-text2])
- This function invokes a system requester having one or
two buttons (boolean gadgets) with the specified text
in each, plus a message in the requester's main body
as specified by the message parameter.
- If only button-text1 is given, a single button is
rendered, otherwise two buttons appear.
- The function's return value is -1 or 0 depending
upon whether the first or second button is selected by
the user. With only one button present, the return
value is always -1.
- Example: result = MsgBox("Really Quit?","Yes","No")
- Note that the message may only consist of a single line
but a future revision will allow for multiple lines.
NAME - syntax: NAME <filespec1> AS <filespec2>
- Renames a file or directory.
NOT - Boolean operator: NOT X.
X Out
OCT$ - syntax: OCT$(n)
- Returns the octal string representation of the long
integer value n.
ON..GOTO/GOSUB - syntax 1: ON <integer-expr> GOTO | GOSUB <label> | <line>
eg: ON n GOTO one,two,three,four,five
such that if n=1 the program will branch to the label
"one" and if n=4 the branch will be to "four".
- syntax 2: ON <event-spec> GOTO | GOSUB <label> | <line>
- See "Event Trapping" section in ace.doc.
OPEN - syntax: OPEN mode,[#]filenumber,<filespec>
which is the same as syntax 1 in AmigaBASIC
except that no file-buffer-size can be specified.
- Mode is an upper-case character where:
- "I" = open file for input
- "O" = open file for output
- "A" = open file for appending
- Filenumber is a value from 1..255 and <filespec>
is a string containing the file name (eg: "test.doc",
- Multiple files can be open simultaneously.
OPTION * - syntax: OPTION <switch>+|-[,<switch>+|-..]
- Compiler directives (switches) can be issued via this
command instead of from the command line. The latter
only allows for compiler directives to be *activated*.
- Each switch must be followed by a "+" or "-" with
the former activating the directive and the latter
neutralising it.
- Switches currently implemented are: b,c,E,i,l,O,w
- See ace.doc "Compiler options" for details of each
switch. Notice that for switches i and O, activation
or deactivation takes effect at the end of compilation.
OR - Boolean operator: X OR Y.
X Y Out
PAINT - syntax: PAINT (x,y)[[,color-id][,border-id]]
- PAINT flood-fills an enclosed region with the
color specified by color-id and if the latter
is omitted, the current foreground pen is used.
- If border-id is not specified, color-id is used
to determine when to stop the filling process by
looking for a border of that color. The use of
border-id allows a region to be filled with one
color and be bordered by another.
- x and y can be anywhere within the enclosed region.
- Note that the ACE version of PAINT has no STEP
option so x and y constitute an absolute coordinate.
- STEP may be added in a future revision.
PALETTE - syntax: PALETTE color-id,R,G,B
where R,G,B are the red, green and blue color
components of color-id, each in the range 0..1.
- Palette changes colors in the current screen
(including the Workbench!).
PATTERN - syntax: PATTERN [line-pattern][,area-pattern] | RESTORE
- Same as in AmigaBASIC with the addition of a RESTORE
option. PATTERN RESTORE resets the line and area patterns
to their default values.
- The line-pattern is a short integer value.
- The area-pattern is a DIM'd short integer array.
- The number of elements in area-pattern must be a power of 2.
PEEKx - syntax: PEEKx(<address>)
- The functions PEEK,PEEKW and PEEKL return an 8-bit, 16-bit
and 32-bit value from memory, respectively.
PENDOWN * - Lowers the turtle's "pen". This enables drawing by the
Turtle graphics commands.
PENUP * - Raises the turtle's "pen". This disables drawing by the
Turtle graphics commands.
POINT - syntax: POINT(x,y)
- Returns the color-id of a point in the current output
window or screen.
POKEx - syntax: POKEx <address>,<numeric-value>
- The commands POKE,POKEW and POKEL change the contents of
<address> to <numeric-value>.
- Unless you know what you are POKEing and why, don't (!!)
or you can expect a visit from the Guru.
POS - Returns the print column in the current user-defined screen
or window.
- Note that the syntax is different from AmigaBASIC where a
dummy argument of zero is used: POS(0).
- POS and CSRLIN have no meaning in a CLI/shell and will
return 0 if used when a CLI/shell is the current output
POTX * - syntax: POTX(n)
where n=0 or 1 (game port 1 or 2).
- Returns a short integer value corresponding to the
current potentiometer reading on pin 5 of the game port.
POTY * - syntax: POTY(n)
where n=0 or 1 (game port 1 or 2).
- Returns a short integer value corresponding to the
current potentiometer reading on pin 9 of the game port.
PRINT - syntax: PRINT [<expression>][,|;| ..]
where <expression> is a string or numeric value to
be printed at the current print location of the current
(DOS or Intuition) output window.
- LOCATE can be used to set the location for the next PRINT
command. So can SETXY for printing on a non-shell window.
- PRINT can be abbreviated to '?' as in AmigaBASIC.
- If <expression> is followed by a semi-colon, a line-feed
will not occur before the next PRINT.
- If <expression> is followed by a comma, the effect is
the same except that first, a horizontal tab (CHR$(9))
is sent to the output window.
- Note that ASCII 9 does not have exactly the same effect
as an AmigaBASIC tab, but the result is similar.
If spacing is critical, you should use TAB or SPC.
PRINT # - syntax: PRINT #filenumber,<expression>[,|;| ..]
where <expression> is a string or numeric value to
be printed at the current print location in the
filenumber'th file.
- PRINT can be abbreviated to '?' as in AmigaBASIC.
- This version of PRINT writes values to a file in the
same format as they would appear in a window.
- One oddity is that since ACE strings are NULL-terminated,
and this NULL (ASCII 0) is normally not displayed, any
attempt to send this character to a file, eg:
PRINT #filenumber,CHR$(0)
should by all rights be ignored. However, since some
programs write NULLs to files as delimiters, ACE does NOT
ignore a lone CHR$(0). A consequence of this is that if
you send an empty - LEN(<string>) = 0 - string to a file,
an ASCII 0 will be written. This is also holds true for
WRITE #filenumber,<string>. Just check the length of a
string before sending it to a file if in doubt.
PRINTS * - syntax: PRINTS [<expression>][,|;| ..]
where <expression> is a string or numeric value to
be printed at the current x,y location of an open
screen or Intuition window. SETXY or LOCATE can be used
to set the X,Y coordinates for the next PRINTS command.
- This command is now redundant since as of v2.0 PRINT
handles DOS and Intuition windows/screens transparently.
- However since PRINTS doesn't have to make a decision
about whether to print to a DOS or Intuition window,
it is faster than PRINT. It should not be used in a
PSET - syntax: PSET [STEP] (x,y)[,color-id]
- Plots a point in the current output window or
- If color-id is not specified, the current
foreground color is used.
- If STEP is specified, the point is relative to
the current x,y location as set by the last
graphics command.
PTAB - syntax: PTAB(n)
where n is in the range: 0..32767
- This function is used in conjunction with PRINT to
move the horizontal print position for the current
output window to the nth pixel.
- Subsequent graphics commands are also affected by
RANDOMIZE - syntax: RANDOMIZE <expression>
- Seeds the random number generator.
- In ACE, RANDOMIZE *requires* an argument. TIMER and
all other arguments will be coerced to long integers.
- RANDOMIZE TIMER is the most commonly used syntax.
READ - syntax: READ <variable>[,<variableN>..]
- Assigns <variable> the value of the next item in the
global data list as created by DATA statements in
the current program.
- The <variable> must be of the same type as the data
item to be read otherwise an unexpected value will be
assigned to <variable>.
- See also DATA (especially re: READing long values).
REM - syntax: REM <comment>
- A single-line comment.
- All characters after REM until the end of line are
- REM can be substituted by an apostrophe as in AmigaBASIC.
- While REM is treated as a true statement, and must
either appear on a separate line or after a ":" in a
multi-statement, an apostrophe followed by a comment
can appear anywhere in the text of a program.
- Note that ACE also supports block comments: {..}.
- The ACE compiler can handle the three types of comments
while the pre-processor APP can only handle the ' and
{..} forms. Some form of commenting is required in APP
so that pre-processor commands can be commented out.
UNTIL <condition>
where <condition> is an expression which reduces
to a boolean (true/false) value.
- Statements between the REPEAT and UNTIL are executed
until the <condition> is true (ie: non-zero).
- Styled after the Pascal REPEAT..UNTIL construct.
- The loop is always executed at least once.
- Resets the DATA pointer to the first DATA statement
in the program.
- Note that there is no optional label in the ACE version
of RESTORE. This may be added in a future revision.
RIGHT$ - syntax: RIGHT$(X$,I)
- Returns a string which contains the rightmost I characters
of X$.
- If I > len(X$), the whole string (X$) is returned.
- If I = 0, the NULL string is returned.
RND - syntax: RND[(X)]
- The RND function takes an optional parameter and always
returns a single-precision pseudo-random value between 0
and 1.
- At present if it is supplied, X is ignored in ACE.
SADD - syntax: SADD(<string-expression>)
- Returns the address of <string-expression> which can be
a string literal, variable or expression.
- Unlike AmigaBASIC, string allocations after a call to
SADD have no impact upon the address of <string-expression>.
- VARPTR can also safely be used to find the address of
a string variable.
SAY - In ACE, there is a SAY command and a SAY function.
SAY command
- syntax: SAY <phoneme-string>[,mode-array]
- Same as AmigaBASIC's SAY command: speak a phoneme string.
- The <phoneme-string> can be a string literal, expression
or variable, while the optional mode-array is a 9-element
(0..8) DIM'd short integer array.
- The mode-array is allowed, and the following parameters
are supported:
Argument Element Values Default
-------- ------- ------ -------
pitch 0 65..320 110
inflection 1 0 or 1 0
rate 2 40..400 150
voice 3 0 or 1 0
tuning 4 5000..28000 22200 (Hz)
volume 5 0..64 64
channel 6 0..11 10
mode 7 0 or 1 0
control 8 0,1 or 2 0
- Inflection=0 allows inflections and emphasis of syllables
while inflection=1 gives a monotone voice.
- The voice parameter specifies gender: 0=male; 1=female.
- Audio channel values have the same meaning as in AmigaBASIC:
Value Channel(s)
----- ----------
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 0 and 1
5 0 and 2
6 3 and 1
7 3 and 2
8 either available left channel
9 either available right channel
10 either available left/right pair of channels
11 any available single channel
- Mode is used to specify synchronous or asynchronous speech
(0 and 1 respectively).
- Control is used when mode=1 to determine what action is
to be taken when asynchronous speech is active. If control
is set to 0, the current SAY command waits until the last
SAY is finished before executing. When control=1 the last
SAY statement is cancelled and speech processing stops
until the next call to SAY. When control=2 ACE interrupts
the last SAY command and initiates the current one.
- The defaults are the same as in AmigaBASIC.
SAY function (only works properly under 2.04 or higher)
- syntax: SAY(n)
where n equals 0, 1 or 2.
SAY(0) - returns true or false (-1 or 0) to indicate
whether there is currently active asynchronous
SAY(1) - returns the width of the "mouth" corresponding
to the phoneme being spoken.
SAY(2) - returns the height of the "mouth" corresponding
to the phoneme being spoken.
- SAY(0) allows for monitoring of the asynchronous
speech process (see details of mode-array above).
- Use of SAY(1) and SAY(2) allows an animated mouth
to be drawn.
- SAY(1)'s and SAY(2)'s values reflect the last call
to SAY(0) and so must be used in conjunction with
the latter.
- Usage of the SAY function is typically like this:
SAY ... '..start asynchronous speech
x = SAY(1)
y = SAY(2)
SCREEN - The SCREEN statement syntax is the same as in AmigaBASIC:
SCREEN screen-id,width,height,depth,mode
where mode is one of the following:
- The SCREEN function (ACE only) syntax is SCREEN(n), where:
SCREEN(0) - Returns a pointer to the Intuition window,
that is, the current output window or default
window for the screen.
SCREEN(1) - Returns a pointer to the Intuition screen.
SCREEN(2) - Returns a pointer to the rastport of
the default window or current output
window for the screen.
SCREEN(3) - Returns a pointer to the screen's viewport
- A future revision of ACE's SCREEN command may support
AGA screen modes.
SCREEN CLOSE - syntax: SCREEN CLOSE screen-id
- Closes a single screen.
SCROLL - syntax: SCROLL (xmin,ymin)-(xmax,ymax),delta-x,delta-y
- Scrolls bits inside the specified rectangle.
- Delta-x and delta-y specify motion right and down
- Negative delta values yield motion left and up.
SERIAL * - syntax: SERIAL(channel,n)
where channel is a serial channel identifier from 1..255
and n is a function number from 0..11 (see below).
- This function returns information about an open serial
n value
0 - Returns the number of characters in the serial
read buffer. Use this value to determine how many
bytes to read from the buffer (see SERIAL READ).
1 - Unit number of serial device in use by this channel
2 - Baud rate.
3 - Parity. Actually the ASCII value of the character
representing the selected parity (N,E,O,M,S). Use
CHR$ function to recover the character.
4 - Number of data bits.
5 - Number of stop bits.
6 - Number of wires for handshaking: 3 or 7.
7 - XON/XOFF feature: 0=disabled; 1=enabled.
8 - Shared access mode: 0=disabled; 1=enabled.
9 - Fast mode: 0=disabled; 1=enabled.
10 - Serial (read) buffer size in bytes.
11 - Name of serial device. Actually, the value returned
is the address in memory of the name string. Use
ACE's CSTR function to convert it to a string.
- For more information about the serial device modes
see SERIAL OPEN command below and Commodore's Rom Kernel
Reference Manual: (Libraries and) Devices.
SERIAL CLOSE * - syntax: SERIAL CLOSE [#] channel
- Closes a logical channel to a serial device.
SERIAL OPEN * - syntax: SERIAL OPEN [#]channel,unit,baud,params[,size][,dev]
- This command opens a logical channel to a serial device.
- The channel parameter must be in the range 1..255.
- The unit parameter tells ACE which serial device unit to
open (eg: for a multi-port serial card). Normally however,
you should specify 0 for a single serial port.
- The baud rate is specified by the baud parameter. This value
can be in the range 110..292,000 on the Amiga.
- The next parameter is a string consisting of at least three
single character "switches":
parity - N,E,O,M or S. Other = N.
data bits - usually 7 or 8.
stop bits - usually 1 or 2.
wires - 3 or 7. Other = 7.
XON/XOFF - X = enabled. Other = disabled.
Access - S = shared. Other = exclusive.
Fast mode - F = fast mode. Other = normal.
- Parity, data bits and stop bits MUST be specified and
in the order shown above, while the remaining switches
are optional and can be given in any order.
- For a letter, upper or lower case can be used.
- In the above description of switches "Other" means any
other character (I suggest you use "?" or some other
character consistently, to indicate "don't care").
- The optional parameter "size" specifies the size of the
serial read buffer. At high baud rates the buffer can fill
up quickly. The default is 512 bytes.
- The final parameter (dev) is also optional. This specifies
the name of the serial device to be used. The device name
defaults to "serial.device" if not specified. An alternate
serial device can be used as long as the device's commands
are compatible with the standard serial.device supplied with
the Amiga. This device normally lives in the DEVS: directory.
- If using another serial device, simply supply its name
if it resides in the DEVS: directory, otherwise a full
path must be specified.
- Here's a typical example of SERIAL OPEN usage:
SERIAL OPEN 1,0,2400,"N81",1024
which opens a channel (#1) to the standard serial device
with a baud rate of 2400, no parity, 8 data bits and 1
stop bit. All 7 wires will be used for handshaking and
the serial buffer will be set to 1K.
SERIAL READ * - syntax: SERIAL READ [#] channel,buffer,length
- Tells ACE to read length bytes from the serial buffer
corresponding to the (open) logical channel into a string
- The buffer can be a string variable or array.
SERIAL WRITE * - syntax: SERIAL WRITE [#] channel,string,length
- Tells ACE to write length bytes to the serial port
corresponding to the (open) logical channel from a
string buffer.
- The string buffer can be any string expression.
- Changes the turtle's heading to n degrees.
SETXY * - syntax: SETXY x,y
- Sets the x,y location for the next graphics command
in the current output window or open screen.
- Its primary use is for turtle graphics. To prevent the
"turtle" drawing a line when SETXY is used, the PENUP
command should first be issued.
SGN - syntax: SGN(n)
- Returns the sign of the number n:
if n>0, SGN(n) returns 1
if n=0, SGN(n) returns 0
if n<0, SGN(n) returns -1
SHARED - syntax: SHARED <ident>[,<ident> ... ]
- Variables, arrays and structures must explicitly
be shared between the main program and subprograms.
- Only EXTERNAL variables are exempt from such sharing in
ACE since they are global (see "Identifiers" in ace.doc).
- One or more SHARED statements can appear in a subprogram
and are usually placed before all other code in that SUB.
- Declarations of objects to be shared must appear in the
main program before the subprogram is *declared*.
- See subprograms section in ace.doc and the entry for
DIM above re: DIM SHARED.
SHL * - syntax: SHL(n,m)
where n is the value to be shifted and m is the number
of bit positions to shift.
- Arithmetic shift left function. Returns a long integer.
- Shifting left by 1 bit is faster than multiplying by 2
or powers thereof.
SHR * - syntax: SHR(n,m)
where n is the value to be shifted and m is the number
of bit positions to shift.
- Arithmetic shift right function. Returns a long integer.
- Shifting right by 1 bit is faster than dividing by 2
or powers thereof.
SHORTINT * - syntax: SHORTINT <identifier>[,..]
- Declares and initialises one or more short integer
SINGLE * - syntax: SINGLE <identifier>[,..]
- Declares and initialises one or more single-precision
SIZEOF * - syntax:
where <ident> is the name of a variable, array, structure
type or structure variable (not a SUB, function or external
- A size in bytes is returned.
- The intention is the same as that of C's sizeof() operator.
- SIZEOF most is useful for allocating memory for structures.
SIN - syntax: SIN(n)
- Returns the sine of n.
SLEEP - syntax: SLEEP
- This command puts a program to sleep until there is
mouse, menu or keyboard activity. The program will
also be woken up by intuiticks (timer signals from a
user-defined window or screen) at regular intervals
so your program can perform other checks.
- If SLEEP is called when the current output window is
a CLI/shell, the command returns immediately.
SOUND - syntax: SOUND period,duration[,volume][,voice]
- Note that the syntax of this command is different
from the equivalent statement in AmigaBASIC.
- See the sound section in ace.doc for details.
- See also the WAVE command. A combination of
these two commands in ACE allows you to easily
play sound samples (see example program play.b).
- SOUND currently uses the audio hardware directly
but a future revision will use the audio device.
SPACE$ - syntax: SPACE$(n)
- Returns a string of n spaces.
SPC - syntax: SPC(n)
- This function is generally used in conjunction with PRINT
and returns a string of n spaces, where n is a value from
0 to 255.
SQR - syntax: SQR(n)
- Returns the square root of n.
- The argument n must be >= 0.
STICK - syntax: STICK(n)
- Returns information about joystick direction.
- At the moment, STICK(0) & STICK(1) always return 0,
while STICK(2) & STICK(3) return the state of
the joystick in port 2 (B), where:
STICK(2) is joystick B in X direction.
STICK(3) is joystick B in Y direction.
- Return values are:
0 = joystick is not engaged.
1 = movement is upward or to the right.
-1 = movement is downward or to the left.
- STICK currently goes straight to the hardware. A future
revision may use the gameport device.
STOP - This is functionally equivalent to END in ACE.
- See also IF..[ELSE]..END IF.
STR$ - syntax: STR$(n)
- Returns the string representation of the numeric value n.
- The string includes a leading space or "-" depending upon
the sign of the number.
STRIG - syntax: STRIG(n)
- Returns information about the state of a joystick button.
- At the moment, STRIG(0), STRIG(1) & STRIG(2) always
return 0.
- STRIG(3) returns -1 if the port 2 joystick's
fire button is *currently* pressed and 0 if it isn't.
- STRIG currently goes straight to the hardware. A future
revision may use the gameport device.
STRING * - syntax: STRING <ident> [[ADDRESS <addr>] | [SIZE <size>]][,..]
- Declares and initialises one or more string variables
with an optional size or address. If the size is not
specified, a length of MAXSTRINGLEN bytes is assumed.
- If an address is specified, the SIZE option can't be used
since the size of the area of memory pointed to by <addr>
has already been determined.
STRING$ - syntax: STRING$(I,J) or STRING(I,X$).
- STRING$ returns a string of length I consisting of characters
with ASCII code J or ASC(MID$(X$,1,1)).
STRUCT * - Defines a new structure data type, thus:
STRUCT <ident>
<type> <ident1>
<type> <ident2>
<type> <identN>
STRING and <ident1>..<identN> are structure members of one
of these data types.
- Where a member is of type STRING, an optional size can be
specified (STRING <ident> [SIZE <size>]).
- See also: DECLARE and the section on structures in ace.doc.
- Structures have been provided in ACE primarily to make
communicating with the operating system a little nicer
and to make dynamic data structures possible (see the
example program turtle/bst.b).
- ACE structures cannot currently be array elements although
there is nothing to stop you from storing structure start
addresses in array elements.
- See "Structures" section in ace.doc for more details.
SUB..END SUB - syntax: SUB [<type>] <ident> [([<type>] <param> [..])]
where the optional <type> is one of: LONGINT,ADDRESS,
- In ACE, subprograms are non-static, allow recursion, may
have return values and have optional parameter lists.
- Parameters are call-by-value but ACE does provide mechanisms
for call-by-reference parameters.
- SHARED variables are supported in ACE (see SHARED command).
- Note that since ACE SUBs are non-static, the STATIC keyword
is not allowed.
- See "Subprograms" section in ace.doc for more details.
SWAP - syntax: SWAP <object>,<object>
where <object> is a simple/external variable, parameter,
array element, structure or structure member.
- This command swaps the value of the specified data objects.
- SWAP is not intended to be used for exchanging two whole
- ACE currently assumes a maximum length of MAXSTRINGLEN
when swapping strings.
SYSTEM - syntax 1: SYSTEM n
where n is an integer exit value (return code).
- SYSTEM causes an ACE program to exit with the specified
return code. The latter can be tested in a shell script
as WARN, ERROR etc. This value is hidden from a Workbench
launched program.
- Note that in AmigaBASIC, SYSTEM returns from the interpreter
to the shell/CLI or Workbench. The same is true in ACE,
except that END and STOP will also do this, so SYSTEM's
intended purpose in ACE is different to that in AmigaBASIC.
- syntax 2: SYSTEM command-string
- This version of the SYSTEM command attempts to run a
shell/CLI command. It is equivalent to the following
dos.library command: Execute(command-string,stdin,stdout).
- If the command writes to standard output, make sure you
are running the program from a shell/CLI or at least
that you have given the EXTERNAL stdout variable a valid
value corresponding to an open file's handle, typically a
CON: or RAW: window (see HANDLE function).
- Also, make sure that "Run" is in your C: directory.
- Examples:
SYSTEM "list" '..lists files in current directory
SYSTEM "dir > fred" '..runs dir command and redirects
'..output to a file called fred.
- syntax 3: SYSTEM
- This *function* returns the Exec library version, enabling
your program to do different things depending upon the
version of the operating system under which it is running.
- A value of 34 indicates Workbench 1.3 while 37 indicates
Workbench 2.04.
TAB - syntax: TAB(n)
- Used in conjunction with PRINT to move the print position
to the nth column.
- TAB(n) - where n=1..81.
- if n>81, wraparound will occur in a DOS window while
a user-defined (Intuition) window/screen will clip any
output past the last character position.
- if n<1, the next print position will be column 1 (leftmost).
TAN - syntax: TAN(n)
- Returns the tangent of n.
TIME$ - syntax: TIME$
- Returns the current time as a string of the format:
where hh is hours, mm is minutes and ss is seconds.
TIMER - syntax: TIMER
- Returns a single-precision value corresponding to
seconds elapsed since midnight.
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON TIMER(n) event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
TRANSLATE$ - syntax: TRANSLATE$(<string-expression>)
- Returns the phoneme-string equivalent of <string-expression>
where the latter contains words.
TURN * - syntax: TURN n
- Rotates the turtle by n degrees.
- If n is negative, the turtle will rotate counter-clockwise
while if it is positive, the rotation will be clockwise.
- Rotates the turtle counter-clockwise by n degrees.
- If n is negative, the result will be the same as
- Rotates the turtle clockwise by n degrees.
- If n is negative, the result will be the same as
UCASE$ - syntax: UCASE$(<string-expression>)
- Returns a string with all alphabetic characters in
upper case.
VAL - syntax: VAL(X$)
- Returns the numeric value of X$ as a single-precision
- The translation of integers plus fixed-point and exponential
format single-precision values is supported.
- The hexadecimal and octal prefixes (&H and &O) are recognised
by VAL.
- There may be a loss of accuracy if the string contains a
LARGE long integer value, due to the limitations of the
single-precision numeric format. To overcome this, use
the LONGVAL& function in the include file longval.h, thus:
#include <longval.h>
X& = longval&(X$)
VARPTR - syntax: VARPTR(<data-object>)
- Returns the absolute address of a numeric variable,
string, array, array element, structure or structure
- You can safely use VARPTR to find a string variable's
address (SADD has also been provided for string variables
and expressions).
- Unlike AmigaBASIC, an object's address does *not* move
around in memory once allocated.
- In ACE, the symbol "@" can be used instead of VARPTR,
eg: addr& = @n(2) '..finds address of an array element.
- When used in conjunction with a structure variable x,
@x will return the address of the variable itself, NOT
the start address of the structure (see "Structures" in
ace.doc for more).
- See also section on indirection operators in ace.doc.
WAVE - syntax: WAVE voice,SIN | [waveform-address,byte-count]
- Defines a waveform of any length to be used by the SOUND
statement for a specified audio channel (voice: 0..3).
- If the SIN option is used, a sine waveform table is
allocated to the specified channel. This is the default
waveform for the SOUND statement.
- Unlike AmigaBASIC, the number of bytes in the waveform
table must be specified when SIN is not used.
- See the Sound section in ace.doc.
WHILE..WEND - syntax: WHILE <condition>
where <condition> is an expression which reduces
to a boolean (true/false) value.
- Statements inside the WHILE and WEND are executed
while the <condition> is true (ie: non-zero).
WINDOW - syntax:
WINDOW id,[title-string],(x1,y1)-(x2,y2)[,type][,screen-id]
where screen-id specifies the screen to which the window
should be attached and type can be a combination of the
Type Effect
---- ------
1 Window size can be changed via
sizing gadget.
2 Window can be moved about using
the title bar.
4 Window can be moved from front to
back using the Back gadget.
5 Under Release 2.x of the OS, when
this Type value is specified alone
or as a component of larger Type
value (eg: 7,15,23) a zoom gadget
is added to the window allowing it
to be switched between the two most
recent window sizes.
8 Close gadget added to window.
16 Contents of window reappear after
it has been covered.
- syntax: WINDOW(n)
- While the window function syntax is still WINDOW(n),
n can take on more values in ACE than in AmigaBASIC.
WINDOW(0) - same as window(1)
WINDOW(1) - window-id of current output window.
WINDOW(2) - present width of current output window.
WINDOW(3) - present height of current output window.
WINDOW(4) - x-coordinate in current output window where
next pixel will be plotted.
WINDOW(5) - y-coordinate in current output window where
next pixel will be plotted.
WINDOW(6) - max legal colour-id for current output window.
WINDOW(7) - pointer to Intuition Window for current output
WINDOW(8) - pointer to Rastport of current output window.
WINDOW(9) - pointer to AmigaDOS file handle for current
output window (non-zero for shell/CLI only).
WINDOW(10) - foreground pen in current output window.
WINDOW(11) - background pen in current output window.
WINDOW(12) - font width for current output window.
WINDOW(13) - font height for current output window.
- See the section on ACE windows in ace.doc for more details.
- Closes the id'th window if it is open.
- These commands are used for enabling, disabling and
suspending ON WINDOW event trapping.
- See the Event Trapping section in ace.doc.
- Makes the id'th open window the current output window.
WRITE - syntax: WRITE #filenumber,expression-list
where filenumber corresponds to an open file.
- The expression-list can contain any combination
of data items (constants, variables) of any type
separated by commas.
- Note that the form of WRITE allowing for screen
output is not supported by ACE.
- See PRINT# re: the treatment of CHR$(0) in file I/O by ACE.
- See also INPUT# and the section on files in ace.doc.
XCOR * - Returns the turtle's current x-coordinate.
YCOR * - Returns the turtle's current y-coordinate.
XOR - Boolean operator: X XOR Y.
X Y Out